7th March 2025
Ref No: The Union INDIA/Off/Admin/2025/027
Request for Proposals for hiring of Agency for providing Human Resources
Information System (HRIS) In International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
About The Union:
Established in 1920, the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) is committed to creating a healthier world for all, free of tuberculosis and lung disease.
The Union is a global membership, technical and scientific organisation, led by people who are committed to our vision, mission and values.
Our members are individuals and organisations from around the world. We are made up of government and non-government agencies, charities, donors and funders, professional groups, patient groups and civil society organisations. We bring together clinicians, managers, policy makers, front-line workers and implementers, scientists, patients and survivors, advocates and civil society.
The Union’s Mission:
The Union strives to end suffering due to tuberculosis and lung diseases, old and new, by advancing better prevention and care. We seek to achieve this by the generation, dissemination and implementation of knowledge into policy and practice.
We aim to ensure that no-one is left behind, people are treated equally and we have a focus on vulnerable and marginalised populations and communities.
The Union’s Vision:
A healthier world for all, free of tuberculosis and lung disease.
The Union’s Values:
- Quality: We deliver our services and products to the highest possible standards Transparency: We are open and direct in our dealings.
- Accountability: We are responsible steward of resources and delivers on its commitments, and are accountable to our stakeholder.
- Respect: We recognise people’s intrinsic value and have due regard for the welfare, beliefs, perceptions, customs and cultural heritage of those we deal with.
- Independence: We seek to pursue our mission free from interference by conflict of interest
For more information about The Union’s work in South-East Asia, please visit
1.1. The Union is soliciting proposals from qualified and experienced Human Resource Information System (HRIS) vendor to provide a single, robust integrated enterprise HRIS solution across all countries. The Union intends to deploy the HRIS globally to ensure data management and efficient operations.
1.2. Accordingly, The Union is requesting for proposals from relevant agencies for The Union. This RFP should not be considered as neither as an agreement nor an offer by The Union to the prospective bidders.
2.1. All Bidders are required to submit their Bid in accordance with the terms set forth in this RFP.
2.2. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this RFP, the detailed terms specified in the Contract Agreement shall have overriding effect (Contractual Terms and conditions are attached as Annexure I). By responding to this bid, the bidder agrees to abide by these contractual Terms & Conditions.
2.3. The Union reserves the right to invite fresh bids with or without amendment of the RFP at any stage or to terminate at any time the entire bidding/selection process without any liability or any obligation to any of the Bidders and without assigning any reason whatsoever.
2.4. The Union will not guarantee any minimum quantity of business under any contract. Also, The Union reserves the right to split the business amongst bidders keeping in mind the interest of the organisation.
2.5. The Bidder can be an individual or group of individuals. The Bidder should not be a consortium of such entities. The Consultant should have PAN, GST registration and registration under applicable laws and should submit copies of the same.
2.6. A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest that affects the bidding process. Any Bidder found to have a Conflict of Interest shall be disqualified. (As specified in Annexure I)
2.7. Also, the bidder should not have been convicted/charge-sheeted for any criminal offence. Any Entity which has been convicted for any criminal offence shall not be eligible to submit the bid.
2.8. The bids shall be opened at The Union, C-6, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi. The RFP document will be advertised on devnetjobsindia.org
a) Proposals through email are invited from the reputed bidders for the aforesaid purpose. The proposal should include the "Technical & Financial" details.
Two separate proposals are required to be submitted - Technical and Financial Proposal. The interested bidder must submit their proposals in two separate emails, your email should clearly state in the subject line - "Technical Proposal –Procurement of Human Resources Information System (HRIS)”and "Financial Proposal - Procurement of Human Resources Information System (HRIS)”” with all relevant documents as listed in Schedule 1 & 2 to procurement.union@theunion.org latest by 27th March 2025.
c) The "Technical proposal" should include the description of the firm/organization, the firm’s general and recent experience in the field of assignment, organisation structure, the qualification and competency of the personnel proposed for the assignment, and few samples of similar assignments completed in the past. The Bidder shall ensure the preparation of Detailed Technical Proposal in accordance with documentation as per Schedule 1 detailed further in the document. The Technical Proposal should not contain any cost information whatsoever.
d) The “Financial Proposal” should contain the detailed in accordance with instructions in Schedule-2 detailed further in the document
e) “Financial Proposal” shall remain password-protected, and such password will be requested from the bidder by The Union after the Technical Qualification of the Proposal submitted by the bidder.
f) Proposal validity period will be for 180 days from the date of submission of proposal.
g) A pre- bid meeting has been scheduled on 12th March 2025 at 11:00 AM. The Link for the meeting :-
Meeting ID: 377 765 453 596
Passcode: Cx3p38P5
For detailed information, please check the complete version of the RFP attached below.