Professional Experience:
•June 2018 to date: Senior Finance Consultant for Private Limited Companies, Construction Companies, Charities and Higher Education.
•Head of Finance, Wellies-On C.I.C. from 3/17 to date.
•Finance and Project Officer at Action for Sustainable Development June 2022 to 31st December 23.
•Finance Officer, Institute of Public Care, Oxford Brooks University from 13th March to 09th Sept 22.
•Finance Officer, Grantham Institute, Imperial College, London, 01/09/2016-31/11/2016.
•Finance Director V & R Constructions from 07/2012 to 31/08/2016.
•Finance Officer, Management Accounts, The University of Oxford, UK, July 2002 until June 2008.
•International Accountant Oxfam GB 2000 to 2002.