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Project Officer- Governance, Accountability and Devolution , International Organization- United Nations
Nairobi, Kenya
A program management specialist with over 13 years of experience, I have a comprehensive understanding of the complex issues impacting humanity and development at regional and global levels. My expertise lies in participatory development, program/project management, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, social research, and financial management.
Send email Contact FAITH ATIENO OGOLAH
Area of Expertise:
  • Government, Governance, Reforms
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Policy, Research, Analysis
  • Social, Education, Gender, Youth, Child
Professional Experience:
1.Project Officer-Devolution with The United Nations Development Programme- Kenya, from April 2016 to date in charge of managing five projects namely:

a)Integrated Support to Devolution Process in Kenya Project supported 21 Counties and 10 National Institutions
b)The Joint Devolution Programme Response to the Covid-19 Crisis which supported 10 counties and 4 National institutions.
c)The Consolidating Gains and Deepening Devolution in Kenya, A Joint Project with UNDP, UNICEF, and UN WOMEN which supported 14 counties and 11 National Institutions
d)The Strengthening Devolved Governance Project which aimed at supporting 10 Vulnerable County governments
e)The COVID-19 Response programme to Frontier County Development Council in 32 Counties

2.Associate Social Policy Officer- Joint Programme UNICEF/IMARISHA AFYA YA MAMA with the County Government of Kakamega September 2014 to March 2016-The Imarisha Afya Ya Mama Na Mtoto Programme has been designed as a health-oriented social protection programme that has provided cash transfers to improve maternal and child health outcomes, including uptake of antenatal care, skilled delivery, infant/young child nutrition, and maternal and child health and nutrition service.

3.Population Programme Officer: National Council for Population and Development January 2010 to August 2014-The National Family Planning Action Programme is aimed at promoting and coordinating population and development activities in Kenya. This included conducting Research and analyzing population issues and developing policies relating to the population.

4.Research Associate: National Council for Population and Development (Contract), January 2008- December 2010-The Kenya National Demographic Health Survey aimed at collecting data to monitor the population and health situation in the country. Data included maternal health and mortality; antenatal and postnatal care; infant and child mortality; nutrition; breastfeeding; child health; family planning; fertility and fertility preferences; female genital mutilation; fistula; domestic violence; tobacco use; HIV/Aids knowledge; malaria; household and respondent characteristics, and other health-related issues.

•2021: Pursuing a PHD (Population Studies and Research), University of Nairobi- Ongoing
•2010-2012: Master of Arts Degree in Population Studies, University of Nairobi
•2003- 2007: Bachelor of Education (Arts), Kenyatta University
•1999-2002: KCSE, Butere Girls High School
• 1992-1998: KCPE, Musoli Primary School
Affiliations and Achievements:
Key Achievements
• Drafted Concept notes that saw a total of USD 77,000,000 resources mobilized to support the 5 projects. Including Co-creating programme activities, managing stakeholder negotiation, and project design with 34 County Governments, 11 National Institutions, 3 CSOs, and 6 Donors namely Sweden, FCDO, Italy, USAID, and Norway
• Implemented the Performance Contracting for 6 County Governments namely: Busia, Tana River, Kilifi, Taita Taveta, Turkana, and West Pokot for County Executive Committee members, Public Service Board, Directors, and Chief Officers.
• Developed Own Source Revenue Framework and automated Own Source Revenue System for Turkana and Isiolo counties increasing their revenue collection from 15% to 45 and 34% respectively.
• Developed the Socio-Economic Recovery and Reengineering Strategy for Counties and rolled out the COVID-19 program in the 10 most vulnerable counties, through deploying of UNVs training health care workers, purchase of the PPES, Construction of a COVID-19 centre in the county government of Mandera.
• Developed a financial tracking system that was able to review the historical financial data and identify possible expenditure areas that have exceeded the requirements and that could be reduced and controlled to make the programme sustainable.
• Developed 5 project plans, including timelines, budgets, and work plans, and ensure that the project activities are delivered on time, within budget, and to the highest quality standards of UNDP, UNICEF, and UN WOMEN.
• Reviewed and Developed County Integrated Development Plans (CIDPs) for 34 counties ensuring they have integrated SDGs, Climate Change, Gender, Youth, and Children Issues
• Conducted 5 Project Evaluations, developed management response, developed action plans and results communicated to Donors, Development Partners, and Government and County Implementing Partners,
• Contributed to the management of evaluation processes and budgets to support the production of independent, credible evidence that meets high professional standards in line with UN norms and standards and codes of conduct for evaluation in the UN system, embodied in UNDP’s Evaluation Quality Assurance System (EQAS). At the regional level
• Developed the programmes compliments, complaints, and grievances mechanism module, and service charter and set up the boxes in all the 25 Sub County Hospitals for the project and analyzed and addressed the complaints coming from the community members.
• Determined effective and participatory preparation of the M and E system decentralized in 25 health facilities along with managing registration of 4700 needy/vulnerable mothers in the county, paid $320K via the Mpesa platform.
• Set up a Performance Contracting framework that appreciated the staff and shared valuable feedback through rewarding and motivating highly effective staff to increase performance/efficiency.
• Developed a market/financial and health facility analysis with recommendations to execute mechanisms appropriate for social transfers to reach target beneficiaries.
• Drafted operational manual, including protocols for targeting enrolment, verification, and delivery mechanisms.
• Ensured a results-oriented monitoring plan which was inclusive of performance management plan (PMP) indicators; based on the PMP, design the framework for the monitoring of project activities; tracked, reported, and updated objectives, activities, key indicators, and results over the life of the project; and prepare quarterly and annual reports for NCPD.
• Analyzed data for all indicators to track implementation, identify the requirements for collecting baseline data, prepared terms-of-reference for baseline data collectors, coordinated the conducting of baseline surveys as required, and communicated population issues such as fertility, mortality, and migration to policymakers and stakeholders.

Available for:
  • Consulting assignments
  • Job opportunities
  • Being headhunted – make me an offer

    Years of Experience:
    15-20 years
    Highest Qualification:
    English, swahili
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