Professional Experience:
2/2020 – 8/2023 Conakry/ Guinea, GIZ Component Manager : Health System Strengthening Support Programme (PASA2) Partner Expertise France (EF), €26,350,000 Duration: 8/2019 - 10/2023
Component 1: Advisory support to Ministry of Health governance and coordination, Technical assistance and support to Ministry at central and deconcentrated levels. Implementation of the National Health Development Plan (PNDS), sectoral coordination, development of national strategies, support digitisation, National Human Resources Information System (iHRIS), knowledge management. Support 2 central level directorates: Bureau Stratégique et Développement (BSD), Direction Ressources Humaines (DRH) and the Service Modernisation Système d'Information (SMSI).
Design, implementation, promotion via social networks and traditional web platform activities:
• Guinean Health Information Portal (PGIS):
• Platform Promotion Community Initiatives (PPIC):
• Kouyé "hide and seek" game (Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights / SRHR): https://kouyé.com/
• Moodle distance learning platform:
• Computer maintenance:
Digital skills training : Organising various training courses in the use of advanced IT tools in MS Office Word / Excel / Powerpoint, advanced research and digital tips (Modules) - Use of digital tools for everyday work (TORs/Proposals and reports, Zotero bibliographic referencing software)
05/17 – 1/2020 Conakry/ Guinea, CIM/GIZ, Integrated Expert: Support to the Strategic Monitoring Committee Global Fund (CCM)
Coordinate collection of data on strategic monitoring activities of main grant recipients, train members of the Strategic Monitoring Committee in strategic grant monitoring.
06/15 – 04/17 Flensburg / Germany, Joint practice Hausärzte am Holm, Work in a GP practice General medicine
09/13 - 09/2015 Flensburg / Germany, City of Flensburg: Public Health Administration (Amtsarzt Health administration (Gesundheitsamt)
04/ – 07/2013 Goma-Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) MERLIN, RRMP health and quality coordinator (Rapid Response to Population Movement Programme)
01/2009 - 07/2012 Yaoundé – Cameroun, DED/GIZ, Technical Assistant: Knowledge management Ministry of Public Health (Minsanté) in Cameroon, Establishment Centre Documentation Numérique du Secteur Santé (CDNSS):
Various consultancies AGEG/InWENT: Bandah Aceh/ Indonesia, Ex-Post Evaluation of the InWEnt programme "Health Management in the context of Tsunami reconstruction and modernisation, Districts, Uganda, Ex-Post Evaluation of the InWEnt Programmes “Training on District Health for Medical Doctors in Uganda”, EU, Final preparations for the EU Health Sector Support Project (HSSP), Evaluation of the Paramedical School Bo, training middle level health workers (Community Health Officers/CHOs), Europe Senegal, Mali, GTZ/ Sector Project “Documentation of the different strategies of the national and international actors to promote the concept of local health insurance « mutuelle » in West Africa”
11/03 – 8/07 Haiti, AGEG, BMZ/GTZ, UE/PNUD, ACDI – CGF, Technical Advisor: I. Promoting Reproductive health in Haiti, II. Emergency Aid mechanisms access to essential drugs in Central Plateau region (August 2004 – April 2006), III. Reinforcement of organisational and technical capacities of the Ste Therese Hinche Hospital (HSTH)
8/02 – 10/03, DRC, ECHO / Caritas Secours International (CSI) Medical Coordinator: Post conflict emergency aid project helping victims in DRC: Support to health system in 6 health districts of the West Kasaï region
4/97 – 1/99 Liberia, Médecins du Monde (MDM), Medical Coordinator: Post-Emergency Project, Rehabilitation of 10 rural health centers/ Support to Grand Bassa district health system