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Paul Sparks
Senior Research Associate , Non-Profit and Government Evaluation
Los Angeles, United States
Quantitative social scientist (PhD) with expertise in impact evaluation and behavior change communication with over 10 years of experience in international development and project management for pro-social causes.
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Area of Expertise:
  • Agriculture, Livelihoods, Microfinance, Rural
  • Capacity Building, Training, Advocacy
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Policy, Research, Analysis
  • Social, Education, Gender, Youth, Child
Professional Experience:
My recent work has focused on critical health issues within the United States, including youth mental and behavioral health, HIV/AIDS care continuum outcomes, STI prevention, and cardiovascular health. Beyond this, my international experience is extensive. From 2011 to 2017, I resided in Uganda and Kenya, conducting impactful evaluations in various sectors such as educational scholarships, microfinance, and sexual and reproductive health. This global perspective was further expanded through my coordination of research projects in Nepal, Cambodia, Zambia, Ecuador, and Jordan.

A significant portion of my work involves utilizing experimental designs and advanced statistical methods for quantitative survey data analysis. Additionally, my proficiency extends to qualitative and mixed methods studies, embracing Human-Centered Design principles.

My comprehensive understanding of the research project lifecycle, from conceptualization to implementation and reporting, has been instrumental in forging successful partnerships with diverse funders, including government agencies like USAID and CDC, private foundations such as the MasterCard Foundation and Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, and non-profit organizations including the American Heart Association and Planned Parenthood Global.

I pride myself on my multidisciplinary approach, drawing insights from economics, political science, sociology, and social psychology. This diverse academic foundation fuels my aspiration to advance innovative, impactful pro-social programs through rigorous evaluation research.
Graduate degrees in International Development (MA) and Health Communication and Social Dynamics (PhD). Certificate in the Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models. Bachelor's in Sociology. Extensive international research experience.
Available for:
  • Consulting assignments
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  • Being headhunted – make me an offer

    Years of Experience:
    10-15 years
    Highest Qualification:
    United States
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