Virginie M

International adviser. International law and human rights lawyer. AI Specialist.

Paris , France

Multilingual and multicultural executive manager and senior adviser with a 20-year atypical career mainly in Secretariats (Europe, Asia, USA).
Proven experience and track record working at the intersection of the public and private sector, of executive management and subject matter expertise and, of areas of intervention in international affairs, justice, development, conflicts and wars.

Contact Virginie M
Area of Expertise:
  • Administration, Management, Finance/Accounting, Procurement
  • Human Rights, Law, Migration, Conflicts, Justice
  • Infrastructure, Technology, Engineering, Science
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Policy, Research, Analysis
  • Private Sector, Social Enterprise, Corporate Social Responsibility
Professional Experience:

Combines international law and organization management background enabling me to provide leadership, strategic and substantive advice, and orientations at system-wide level. Strategic mindset with awareness of operational implications. Experiences in making and taking decision, while dealing with uncertainties and strict deadlines.

Main core expertise in international law and human rights (including ethics) completed by subject matter expertise in Artificial intelligence, emerging technologies, and international conflicts.

Skilled and experienced in system-wide policy making, strategies, risks mapping and anticipation, impact to deliver large synthetic analytical reports with pragmatic recommendations and course of action.

Proven experience providing 360° analysis with multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral expertise for executive management, international diplomats, high civil servants, country representatives, INGOs, and rights-holders. Proven experience in representing organizations and individuals, in multistakeholder processes, in policy making and (tech) diplomacy. Proven experience in writing official documents in many formats (speech, brief, advocacy material, annual report, court documents, etc.).

Results-oriented, strong work ethics taking pride in delivering results while supporting talents. Thrive in multicultural and international environments managing intercultural teams.


2018. Executive Master in Management of International Organizations. SDA Bocconi.
2009-2010. License to practice law.
2005-2007. Ph.D. student. CEDIN. University Paris West France.
2004. Master 2. International and European Law. University Paris West. France.
2003. Master 1. International and European Law. University Paris West France.
2002. LL. B. International and European Law. University of Paris West France.
1997-1999. Preparatory classes for national competitive exam. France.
1997. High School Diploma. Sciences. France.

Affiliations and Achievements:

Available for:

  • Consulting assignments
  • Job opportunities
  • Being headhunted – make me an offer

Years of Experience:

15-20 years

Highest Qualification:



English, French, Spanish

