Network of International Development Professionals
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Always looking for more opportunities to support the development of diverse, resilient communities that are socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable.
Experienced in the nonprofit and public sectors delivering administrative and programmatic support for groups and organizations with a focus on food security, resiliency, and/or community empowerment. Worked in multicultural and cross-cultural settings both domestically and internationally. Practiced effective time management to complete multiple activities on a deadline. Listened to a variety of voices to provide the aid and tools wanted by community members, and communicated to internal and external stakeholders as current and potential partners.
Kansas State University— Master of Science in Community DevelopmentJANUARY 2012 - DECEMBER 2014, Manhattan, KSConcentrations in Building Economic Capacity and Natural Resource ManagementWichita State University— Bachelor of Arts in SociologyAUGUST 2006 - MAY 2011, Wichita, KS Minor in Political Science
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Years of Experience:
5-10 years
Highest Qualification:
United States
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