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Meryem El Alaoui Faris
Independent Consultant , Self-employed
Rabat, Morocco
As a strategic and operational advisor, I provide technical assistance for the development of your programs and the implementation of your social and environmental missions. Examples of engagements : support for the governance of mission-driven organizations, impact-oriented strategic research, design of theories of change and logical frameworks, operational planning integrating monitoring, evalua
Send email Contact Meryem El Alaoui Faris
Area of Expertise:
  • Capacity Building, Training, Advocacy
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Policy, Research, Analysis
Professional Experience:
Strategic research and capacity building consultant with 15+ years of experience in conducting qualitative
research, assessment tools development and technical backstopping.
• Skilled technical writer and instruction designer.
• STEM and social sciences backgrounds: a bridge between IT providers and development programs.
• Fluent in Arabic, English and French.
• Themes of interest: financial inclusion and responsible finance, women’s rights, maternal and new-born health, action-research, capitalisation and knowledge management

2023- June 2024 Program coordinator (interim) and project manager: “ Dialogue Multipartite ”
Co-financed by the Forum des Alternatives Maroc and the European Union

2018-2022 Part-time independent consultant:
• Scoping studies and recommendations for National Financial Inclusion Strategies (Omega Consulting 2018-2019)
• Gender evaluation of IDRC research programs (Sisters Ink/IDRC 2018)
Experienced living in Vietnam
2014-2018 Independent consultant
• Financial education for young people vulnerable to HIV, orphans and vulnerable children: systematic review of evidence on outcomes and development of a program selection tool (Sisters Ink/FHI 360 ASPIRES 2017)
• “Introduction to SPI4: Experiences and Challenges”, online seminar in Arabic for the FinDev Gateway portal (CGAP, 2016)
• Suffering Portfolio Analysis and compliance of procedures (Mercy Corps Haiti, 2016)
• Training and Conference Management: SPTF Annual Conference, Marrakech (Social Performance Task Force, 2016)
• Programmatic framing studies and stakeholder mapping (Heinrich Boell Stiftung, 2014)
• Volunteer and board member “United Nations Women’s Guild” – Vienna-Austria

2010-2014 Project Manager, Founder Yoda Solution SARLAU, Rabat, Morocco
• Final Evaluation of the YouthInvest Program (Master Card Foundation, 2014)
• Consultant in knowledge management and organizational development (GIZ/ALECSO, 2012-2013)
• Benchmarking and development of the Casa Pionnières incubation model (AFEM, 2011)
• Qualitative study on the needs for development professionals in Morocco (Al Akhaayn University, 2011)
• Pre-selection of development project proposals (BMH Coach, 2011)
• West Africa: Support for the collection and analysis of financial statements for the MIX platform (Microfinance Information eXchange, 2011)
• Social Performance Management, Performance Indicators and Gender in Microfinance Training (SETYM International, 2010)

2008 – 2010 Analyst and Certified Technical Assistance Provider, MicroSave India
Various advisory and support missions to microfinance associations and institutions including:
• Mapping of procedures and risk management of a model of offering banking services through independent agents in the province of Guwahati, North-East India
• Design and procedures including a comprehensive assessment of operational risks for the management and provision of credit with the aim of reducing service times and improving the loan monitoring system
• Evaluation of the performance of new products
• Strategic planning for an innovative microfinance institution offering direct loans and through independent agents
• Evaluation of social performance within a regional federation of self-help groups, creation of a tool for evaluating the perception of impact among client-members of self-help groups
• Market studies for microfinance (Participatory Methods – Participatory Rapid Appraisals) and fundraising
• Production of social performance evaluation tools, creation and delivery of training on social performance management
• Knowledge managemenstrategy

September – November 2007: German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Gender Project – Junior Consultant

2006 – 2007 Project Manager PlaNet Finance Morocco
Bachelor of Art in International Studies in International Relations, Cooperation for Development from Université Al-Akhawayn Ifrane (2002 - 2005)
Specialised in International Cooperation for Development, regional focus: MENA, Minor: Communications

Affiliations and Achievements:
Certified Auditor, Social and Environmental Performance Professionals Network (Cerise-SPTF)
Former Board Member at United Nations Women's Guild (2014-2017)
Former Board Member at Forum des Alternatives Sociales Maroc (2012-2014)

Available for:
  • Consulting assignments
  • Job opportunities
  • Being headhunted – make me an offer

    Years of Experience:
    15-20 years
    Highest Qualification:
    English, French, Arabic, Basic German
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