Tonina Dumic

Chief Operating Officer - Africa Expansion Lead , UpTrade - International social-enterprise

Toronto, Canada

Development economist with over 17 years of research, technical assistance, project management and field experience in international development in several world regions, including Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. Extensive background in Social Protection, Fiscal reforms, Poverty and gender Analysis, Sustainable food security, & Impact Evaluation with UN agencies

Contact Tonina Dumic
Area of Expertise:
  • Agriculture, Livelihoods, Microfinance, Rural
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Policy, Research, Analysis
  • Private Sector, Social Enterprise, Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Social, Education, Gender, Youth, Child
  • Trade, Finance, Economics, Cooperation, Global
Professional Experience:

UpTrade (Goats for Water) enables off-grid communities to access water, energy and markets. I lead the expansion of the program into the Horn of Africa / Kenya and am the instrumental in partner and client engagement raising the organization's profile and driving the growth.


I completed my Masters degree in Economics at Columbia University and Honours Bachelors Degree in Economics and Statistics from the University of Toronto.

Available for:

  • Consulting assignments
  • Job opportunities

Years of Experience:

15-20 years

Highest Qualification:



English, French, Croatian, Serbian

