jill juma


vANUATU, Vanuatu

Kenyan International Trade Policy Expert with over 10 years experience from Africa, Asia and Pacific

Contact jill juma
Area of Expertise:
  • Trade, Finance, Economics, Cooperation, Global
Professional Experience:

With over ten(10) years of experience both in public and private sectors, I have engaged in developing effective policies, regulations, and strategies such as the Pacific Aid for Trade Strategy( 2020-2025) in my capacity as Trade Policy Adviser at the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS); initial Draft of Nauru’s Foreign Direct Investment Model Law for the Government of Nauru to mention but a few. Additionally, I am presently working as the Sub-Regional Trade Adviser for Melanesia with the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat(PIFS) where my key role in the five countries I oversee (Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea) includes Trade Policy Development and Implementation to enable the countries effectively implement and fully participate in the Trade Agreements they are party to including their obligations to the World Trade Organization(WTO).
I believe these experiences including those provided in detail in my resume (attached) give me the requisite competence to undertake this assignment. Thus with a solid background in both the public and private sectors, I am well -capable of contributing and providing exceptional technical assistance and guidance that will prudentially influence the direction of the Committee’s work on the oversight of existing and prospective trade agreements, through the provision of seasoned and broad-based expert advise.


PhD in Public International Law ( Admitted but on hold)
MSc in International Trade Policy and Law, Lund University, 2015
Post Graduate Fellow in Development Economics University of London School of Oriental and African Studies/ University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg , South Africa, 2014
Post Graduate International Human Rights and Conflict Analysis, University of Ghana, Legon Center for International Affairs (LECIA), 2009
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B Hons, Second Class Honour Upper Division) University of Nairobi, School of Law, 2007

Available for:

  • Being headhunted – make me an offer

Years of Experience:

10-15 years

Highest Qualification:



English, FRENCH

