Fon Delphine Naah

A lecturer, manager and a human right activist , University, Cameroon human right commission

Yaounde Cameroon , Cameroon

An Educationist and expert in conflict resolution and negotiation
Presently in Cameroon looking for short term assignments
.Can relocate as soon as the need arises to any part of the world. I am duty concious and creative. Also very sociable and ready to work in harmony with colleagues.

Contact Fon Delphine Naah
Area of Expertise:
  • Administration, Management, Finance/Accounting, Procurement
  • Human Rights, Law, Migration, Conflicts, Justice
  • Private Sector, Social Enterprise, Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Social, Education, Gender, Youth, Child
  • Trade, Finance, Economics, Cooperation, Global
Professional Experience:

A jobseeker with a broad knowlegble of experience as a lecturer, a diplomat an Economist and a secretary .My first experience as a worker was in a school as a secretary.when I graduated from a the Secondary school where I deed commercial education, I was employed as a secretary in a school called C.I.S (Commercial Instute of Senography).In this School my duties were to sort out mails to the verious departments and to type examinations for the schools. Secretarial duties was not only my duty, but also to prepare accounting records showing the credits and debts of the institution on a daily basis.Also was a monthly preparation of a balance sheet to show the Assets and liabilities of the Colleage.Among other duties was to attend to student in the typing pool when the subject teachers were not around. It was in this institution that I had the income and opportunity to write the entrance exination in to the higher teachers training Colleage.After three years of training as a high school teacher I taught in many Government High schools in Cameroon.The first school was G.S.S( Government Secondary school ) Bacho Ntai in Mayu division in the South-west region of Cameroon.Secondly I taught in G.B.H.S ( Government Bilingual High School) Down Town Bamenda in the North- West region of Cameroon as an Economicics and History teacher. .Thirdly, my experience as a teacher was in "Lycee Bilingue De Bafia" in the Central Region of Cameroon where I taught History and Economics.L.B.A( Lycee Bilingue de Appreciation" in the Central Region was also an instution I taught History and Economics.After defending my master degree, I was posted to the Ministry of Higher Education as a"Cadre Contratuel de Administration". In the minister I was responsible for the preparations of schemes of work and examination for high schools in Cameroon.More of the work in the ministry was administration. From the ministry of higher Education I was transferred to the University of Yaounde 1 in the Central Region where my services were more needed. While in the University I worked first in the Scoralrite as a personal and finally as a lecturer in the department of History , when I defended my thesis. To put in to practice all that I learnt in the Cameroon international Relations Institute (school of Diplomacy),I have been a Human right activist for 8 year in the Central Region of Cameroon whereby We resolve individual and organisational conflicts on the abuse of the right of man. Also I have done some internship in the ministry of external a l relations in Cameroon where I have the opportunity to join some great commissions for the resolution of conflict and negotiation in Africa and the world at large. Presently ,I am on internship with the Cameroon human right Commission in Buea South- west Region of Cameroon.Here , I am having more experience on how to resolve conflicts of the abuse of human right. I presenting my experience hoping to have more locative jobs where I can excise my talent.I hereby submitt my application to recruiters in good areas of work where I am going to have more experience. I promise , I am going to be duty Concious, creative and ready to learn more so as to increase the output of work ,efficiency and productivity.


A candidate with a broad background knowlegble in arts letters and social science with base education (secondary and advance level in commercial education.The subjects done at this level included Commerce, Economist, Accounting, Secretarial duties, typing Engish language , Engish literature and History.These fields of studies actually widden the scope of my studies in the domain of private sector activities,social Enterprise, trade, finance, Economics and cooperation global.These skills aqured permitted me to have employment as a secretary when I graduated from the secondary school. I was employed as a secretary to in a school C.I.S ( Commercial Institute of Stenogrpghy Mbengwi Cameroon in the North west region.At the tender age of 19 years when I graduated from the high school while working as a secretary, I decided to write the entrance examination in the higher teacher training Colleage ENS Bambili ( Ecole Normal Superier Bambili North- West Region Cameroon.With success, I was trained as a high school teacher for three years 1994 to 1997.As a student teacher we were taught Sociology, Science of Education , gender values and child pychology which had contrbuted greatly in my career as a teacher.when I graduated with great success from this institution of learning as a teacher , I was employed in a special recruitment offered by the president of the republic of Cameroon in the year 2000. From this point all through my Career I have been a teacher and and a student.That is I study while working. While teaching, I decided to go to the University to further my education.Having high points in History at the advanced level, I was admitted in level one in the University to do History as an option
As a History student we did much on the various Civilisation in the different parts of the the second year I had to specialise in doing international Relations where I finally obtained my PhD. While in the University, much knowledge was aquired on Governance, reforms and the rule of law, the relationship between the counties of the world (Bilateral and multilaterally cooperation. All to these helps to strengthen my capacity to be a good administrator.
As a Compliment to my studies as a Historian I later decided to do diplio acy. I was admitted in the Cameroon International Relations Institute where I obtained a Diploma on Diplomacy.while a student in this institution we were taught how to reslove Conflicts by negotiations.During the practical part of our studies, in the ministry of external Relations of Cameroon.we had the opportunity to joint some great commissions on the resolution of territorial Conflicts. For example the great commissions for the resulutuion of the Conflict between Cameroon and Nigeria in the Bakassi Penisular. This was a great experience and many more. To conclude my educational background potrates me to be a teacher,a lecturer, an administrator, an Economist,Business woman,a conflict resolution expert and negotiation.Also from my background information I can work as a diplomat to carry out diplomatic missions .Finally I can work on a great commissions for the interest of a government or any great organisation.

Affiliations and Achievements:

Cuputer studies, business management. Owner of an Enterprise that deals with gold purchases and the initiation of plans for projects

Available for:

  • Job opportunities

Years of Experience:

More than 20 years

Highest Qualification:




